Windows xp dark edition 2019
Windows xp dark edition 2019

windows xp dark edition 2019

"WannaCry - the most damaging cyberattack of 2017 - continues effectively unabated, with at least 3,500 successful attacks per hour, globally," TechRepublic author James Sanders writes, citing research from Armis. After all, 71% of medical devices still run on those older OS versions, namely Windows 7, Windows 2008, and Windows Mobile. Yes, it looks as though history is once again bound to repeat itself. Like a particularly nasty drug-resistant bacteria, however, the attack has evolved, and new strains of the virus still pose an immediate threat to vulnerable devices all over the world.

windows xp dark edition 2019

Its spread was initially halted due to the discovery of a killswitch within days of its release. Although many of us think of WannaCry in a historical context, the truth is that copycat versions of it remain a profoundly viable threat.

Windows xp dark edition 2019